Areas of Practice
Gilboa Pumped Storage
PSP Investments Ltd. / 2009-2019
Gilboa Pumped Storage is the first hydroelectric project in Israel that was planned to improve the efficiency of the electricity sector in Israel through its ability to provide short-term stored energy to the electrical grid. The project, which is being constructed along the Gilboa Ridge in northeastern Israel, exploits the height differential between two reservoirs, each having a capacity of 2.7 million m³, through the transport of water that drives two 150 MW capacity turbines. Geotope-Levin has been involved in the project since 2009 when geotechnical investigations began for the tunnel sections and main shaft. These included deep core drilling between them, the preparation of technical specifications and supervision over Lugeon tests, hydraulic jacking and plate loading tests.
Geotope-Levin used a team of four engineering geologists who worked around-the-clock, providing consultation and supervision over hydraulic tests in cooperation with consultants and specialists from Électricité de France S.A. (EDF) with oversight provided by the funding entity. Findings from the investigation were processed and written in accordance with international standards and were summarized in a GBR report that constituted the principal document in the contract with the EPC contractor. Geotope-Levin’s activities also continued during the tunneling work with strict attention given to geotechnical documentation in accordance with the requirements of Israeli standard SI 5620.
Experience gained in performing PLT testing and analysis of the elastic parameters of the rock were published in a professional article and were also presented by Geotope-Levin’s owner, Moshe Levin, at a conference of the International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM ) – in Vietnam in 2015.