Kashimbila dam, Nigeria
Tahal Group / 2006
Kashimbila dam is a huge dam close to the border of Nigeria and Cameroun, and its collecting 500M m3 of water, and in addition its manufacuring 40MW of electrical power. Its location near Nyos volcano forced a wide spillway design in order to collect 50Mm3 flood incase the Nyos volcano side wall will collapse and the lake confined inside the crater will flow into the river.
Geotope-Levin conducted a prelimanery design survey for Tahal group. The survey took place in challanging field conditions that include clearing a path through the jungle flora, sampeling rock along the katsina ala river with local canoe boats. At the second stage, further investigations took place and included drilling borehole and geophysical tests that processed into geoengineering Long section.
The survey began at 2006 and the construction of the dam finished at 2019, this work demonstrate the long term it takes from the prelimanery design to construct mega project.