Engineering Geology
Geotope-Levin employs geologists with academic training and specialization in engineering geology. Our professional knowledge is used to integrate and analyze geological and geotechnical information collected in the field for the planning of highways, railways, tunnels and reservoirs
List of Sample Projects
> Heftziba
HADAR Hadar Stabilization Systems & Landscaping Ltd. /2020
> Coastline Park
Municipality of Tel Aviv / 2017-2020
> Eilat Railway
Netivei Israel – The National Transport Infrastructure Company / 2012-2019
> Highway 6 North and South segments
Cross Israel Highway Ltd. / 2009-2020
> Quarry Materials Reclamation
Ministry of Energy and Water Resources / 2018
> Nargol Port, Western India Geotechnical Consultation Israel Ports Company (IPC)
/ 2012-2013
> Highway 1 to Jerusalem
Netivei Israel – The National Transport Infrastructure Company / 2011-2013